St Columba Church ~ St. Catharines Ontario

St Columba Church ~ St. Catharines Ontario


New to St. Columba Church?

Here are some answers to your questions:

Where we are located?

7 St. Columba Drive - St. Catharines Ontario.  Click on this link to take you to google maps.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. People at St. Columba dress in many different styles, from jeans and t-shirts to shirts, dresses, ties and jackets.

Is your building accessible?

Yes it is. Our church is contemporary in style with no stairs and all facilities on ground level.

What happens when I arrive?

You will be welcomed by a greeter and given a bulletin to help you follow along with the hymns and readings for the service. You will be free to sit wherever you are comfortable. 

What about my children?

Children are always welcome and can stay with you. 

Are you a welcoming congregation?


How will I know what to do?

We will help you. You might be wondering when you should do what: kneel, sit, stand, say “Amen.” As a general rule, we sit to listen, stand to sing or proclaim, and pray. Just relax and follow what others are doing. But if you find it more comfortable to remain seated, or prefer to kneel, the choice is yours. We sing at many points in the 10:30 am Sunday service. Don’t worry if you don’t know the tune or you don’t feel comfortable joining in – you won’t be the only one not singing. If you feel lost, don’t hesitate to ask someone for help. We were all new once!

Do I have to put money in the collection?

A collection is taken to support our ongoing ministry and mission. Making a financial contribution is completely voluntary. If you would like to contribute, you can use one of the envelopes for visitors you’ll find in your pew, or you can put your contribution straight into the plate. A tax receipt is issued for all donations over $20. Share as you can.

Can I receive HOLY COMMUNION? What do I do?

Everyone is welcome to receive Communion or a Blessing as appropriate at our celebrations.  You may choose to receive the Consecrated Host (Bread) and from the Chalice (wine).  If you wish to come forward to receive only a Blessing then please come forward with your arms crossed over your chest and a priestly blessing will be bestowed upon you.  When it is time for the reception of Communion the sidespeople will stand in the centre aisle and direct those from the pews to move forward in turn toward the chancel steps row by row.  The priest will state “the Body of Christ” and place the Consecrated Host in your palm for you to consume at the chancel steps.  

We offer a Common Communion Cup which you are free to part of if you wish, but please do not feel obligated to do so if you choose not to.  The Chalice Bearer will be holding the Chalice and bring it to your lips, and you may help guide the Chalice for reception of the consecrated wine.  If you wish not to receive from the Chalice, simply return to your seat.

If you have any challenge coming forward the priest and Chalice Bearer will be very happy to come down to you in the pew.  Simply let the Sidesperson or Greeter know.

What happens after the Church celebration?

We gather for refreshments in the parish hall...just follow the crowd. We hope to see you there to meet other members of the congregation and for us to get to know you better.

Looking for a Church Home or wanting more information?

Please email us anytime at [email protected] or by phone at 905-935-4473

Lindsey Michelle